Source code for rabbitpy.tx

The TX or transaction class implements transactional functionality in RabbitMQ
and allows for any AMQP command to be issued, then committed or rolled back.

import logging
from pamqp import specification as spec

from rabbitpy import base
from rabbitpy import exceptions

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Tx(base.AMQPClass): """Work with transactions The Tx class allows publish and ack operations to be batched into atomic units of work. The intention is that all publish and ack requests issued within a transaction will complete successfully or none of them will. Servers SHOULD implement atomic transactions at least where all publish or ack requests affect a single queue. Transactions that cover multiple queues may be non-atomic, given that queues can be created and destroyed asynchronously, and such events do not form part of any transaction. Further, the behaviour of transactions with respect to the immediate and mandatory flags on Basic.Publish methods is not defined. :param channel: The channel object to start the transaction on :type channel: :py:class:`` """ def __init__(self, channel): super(Tx, self).__init__(channel, 'Tx') self._selected = False def __enter__(self): """For use as a context manager, return a handle to this object instance. :rtype: Connection """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """When leaving the context, examine why the context is leaving, if it's an exception or what. """ if exc_type: LOGGER.warning('Exiting Transaction on exception: %r', exc_val) if self._selected: self.rollback() raise exc_val else: LOGGER.debug('Committing transaction on exit of context block') if self._selected: self.commit()
[docs] def select(self): """Select standard transaction mode This method sets the channel to use standard transactions. The client must use this method at least once on a channel before using the Commit or Rollback methods. :rtype: bool """ response = self._rpc(spec.Tx.Select()) result = isinstance(response, spec.Tx.SelectOk) self._selected = result return result
[docs] def commit(self): """Commit the current transaction This method commits all message publications and acknowledgments performed in the current transaction. A new transaction starts immediately after a commit. :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.NoActiveTransactionError :rtype: bool """ try: response = self._rpc(spec.Tx.Commit()) except exceptions.ChannelClosedException as error: LOGGER.warning('Error committing transaction: %s', error) raise exceptions.NoActiveTransactionError() self._selected = False return isinstance(response, spec.Tx.CommitOk)
[docs] def rollback(self): """Abandon the current transaction This method abandons all message publications and acknowledgments performed in the current transaction. A new transaction starts immediately after a rollback. Note that unacked messages will not be automatically redelivered by rollback; if that is required an explicit recover call should be issued. :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.NoActiveTransactionError :rtype: bool """ try: response = self._rpc(spec.Tx.Rollback()) except exceptions.ChannelClosedException as error: LOGGER.warning('Error rolling back transaction: %s', error) raise exceptions.NoActiveTransactionError() self._selected = False return isinstance(response, spec.Tx.RollbackOk)