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The :py:class:`Exchange` class is used to create and manage exchanges in
RabbitMQ and provides four classes as wrappers:

* :py:class:`DirectExchange`
* :py:class:`FanoutExchange`
* :py:class:`HeadersExchange`
* :py:class:`TopicExchange`

import logging
from pamqp import specification

from rabbitpy import base

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Exchange(base.AMQPClass): """Exchange class for interacting with an exchange in RabbitMQ including declaration, binding and deletion. :param channel: The channel object to communicate on :type channel: :py:class:`` :param str name: The name of the exchange :param str exchange_type: The exchange type :param bool durable: Request a durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param dict arguments: Optional key/value arguments """ durable = False arguments = dict() auto_delete = False type = 'direct' def __init__(self, channel, name, exchange_type='direct', durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None): """Create a new instance of the exchange object.""" super(Exchange, self).__init__(channel, name) self.type = exchange_type self.durable = durable self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.arguments = arguments or dict()
[docs] def bind(self, source, routing_key=None): """Bind to another exchange with the routing key. :param source: The exchange to bind to :type source: str or :py:class:`rabbitpy.Exchange` :param str routing_key: The routing key to use """ if hasattr(source, 'name'): source = self._rpc(specification.Exchange.Bind(, source=source, routing_key=routing_key))
[docs] def declare(self, passive=False): """Declare the exchange with RabbitMQ. If passive is True and the command arguments do not match, the channel will be closed. :param bool passive: Do not actually create the exchange """ self._rpc(specification.Exchange.Declare(, exchange_type=self.type, durable=self.durable, passive=passive, auto_delete=self.auto_delete, arguments=self.arguments))
[docs] def delete(self, if_unused=False): """Delete the exchange from RabbitMQ. :param bool if_unused: Delete only if unused """ self._rpc(specification.Exchange.Delete(, if_unused=if_unused))
[docs] def unbind(self, source, routing_key=None): """Unbind the exchange from the source exchange with the routing key. If routing key is None, use the queue or exchange name. :param source: The exchange to unbind from :type source: str or :py:class:`rabbitpy.Exchange` :param str routing_key: The routing key that binds them """ if hasattr(source, 'name'): source = self._rpc(specification.Exchange.Unbind(, source=source, routing_key=routing_key))
[docs]class DirectExchange(Exchange): """The DirectExchange class is used for interacting with direct exchanges only. :param channel: The channel object to communicate on :type channel: :py:class:`` :param str name: The name of the exchange :param bool durable: Request a durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param dict arguments: Optional key/value arguments """ def __init__(self, channel, name, durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None): """Create a new instance of the exchange object.""" super(DirectExchange, self).__init__(channel, name, 'direct', durable, auto_delete, arguments)
[docs]class FanoutExchange(Exchange): """The FanoutExchange class is used for interacting with fanout exchanges only. :param channel: The channel object to communicate on :type channel: :py:class:`` :param str name: The name of the exchange :param bool durable: Request a durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param dict arguments: Optional key/value arguments """ def __init__(self, channel, name, durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None): """Create a new instance of the exchange object.""" super(FanoutExchange, self).__init__(channel, name, 'fanout', durable, auto_delete, arguments)
[docs]class HeadersExchange(Exchange): """The HeadersExchange class is used for interacting with direct exchanges only. :param channel: The channel object to communicate on :type channel: :py:class:`` :param str name: The name of the exchange :param bool durable: Request a durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param dict arguments: Optional key/value arguments """ def __init__(self, channel, name, durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None): """Create a new instance of the exchange object.""" super(HeadersExchange, self).__init__(channel, name, 'headers', durable, auto_delete, arguments)
[docs]class TopicExchange(Exchange): """The TopicExchange class is used for interacting with topic exchanges only. :param channel: The channel object to communicate on :type channel: :py:class:`` :param str name: The name of the exchange :param bool durable: Request a durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param dict arguments: Optional key/value arguments """ def __init__(self, channel, name, durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments=None): """Create a new instance of the exchange object.""" super(TopicExchange, self).__init__(channel, name, 'topic', durable, auto_delete, arguments)