Source code for rabbitpy.connection

The Connection class negotiates and manages the connection state.

import logging
# pylint: disable=import-error
    from urllib import parse as urlparse
except ImportError:
    import urlparse

    import ssl
except ImportError:
    ssl = None
import threading
import time

from pamqp import specification as spec

from rabbitpy import base
from rabbitpy import heartbeat
from rabbitpy import io
from rabbitpy import channel
from rabbitpy import channel0
from rabbitpy import events
from rabbitpy import exceptions
from rabbitpy import message
from rabbitpy.utils import queue
from rabbitpy import utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AMQP = 'amqp'
AMQPS = 'amqps'

if ssl:
    SSL_CERT_MAP = {'ignore': ssl.CERT_NONE,
                    'optional': ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL,
                    'required': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED}
    SSL_VERSION_MAP = dict()
    if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv2'):
        SSL_VERSION_MAP['SSLv2'] = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv2')
    if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3'):
        SSL_VERSION_MAP['SSLv3'] = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3')
    if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23'):
        SSL_VERSION_MAP['SSLv23'] = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23')
    if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1'):
        SSL_VERSION_MAP['TLSv1'] = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1')
    SSL_CERT_MAP, SSL_VERSION_MAP = dict(), dict()

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class Connection(base.StatefulObject): """The Connection object is responsible for negotiating a connection and managing its state. When creating a new instance of the Connection object, if no URL is passed in, it uses the default connection parameters of localhost port 5672, virtual host / with the guest/guest username/password combination. Represented as a AMQP URL the connection information is: :code:`amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2F` To use a different connection, pass in a AMQP URL that follows the standard format: :code:`[scheme]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[virtual_host]` The following example connects to the test virtual host on a RabbitMQ server running at port 5672 as the user "www" and the password rabbitmq: :code:`amqp://admin192.168.1.200:5672/test` .. note:: You should be aware that most connection exceptions may be raised during the use of all functionality in the library. :param str url: The AMQP connection URL :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.AMQPException :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.ConnectionException :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.ConnectionResetException :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.RemoteClosedException """ CANCEL_METHOD = ['Basic.Cancel'] DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX = 65535 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3 DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 60.0 DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en_US' DEFAULT_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2F' DEFAULT_VHOST = '%2F' GUEST = 'guest' PORTS = {'amqp': 5672, 'amqps': 5671, 'api': 15672} QUEUE_WAIT = 0.01 def __init__(self, url=None): """Create a new instance of the Connection object""" super(Connection, self).__init__() # Create a name for the connection self._name = '0x%x' % id(self) # Extract parts of connection URL for use later self._args = self._process_url(url or self.DEFAULT_URL) # General events and queues shared across threads self._events = events.Events() # A queue for the child threads to put exceptions in self._exceptions = queue.Queue() # One queue for writing frames, regardless of the channel sending them self._write_queue = queue.Queue() # Lock used when managing the channel stack self._channel_lock = threading.Lock() # Attributes for core object threads self._channel0 = None self._channels = dict() self._heartbeat = None self._io = None # Used by Message for breaking up body frames self._max_frame_size = None # Connect to RabbitMQ self._connect() def __enter__(self): """For use as a context manager, return a handle to this object instance. :rtype: Connection """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """When leaving the context, examine why the context is leaving, if it's an exception or what. """ if exc_type and exc_val: self._set_state(self.CLOSED) raise exc_val self.close() @property def args(self): """Return the connection arguments. :rtype: dict """ return dict(self._args) @property def blocked(self): """Indicates if the connection is blocked from publishing by RabbitMQ. This flag indicates communication from RabbitMQ that the connection is blocked using the Connection.Blocked RPC notification from RabbitMQ that was added in RabbitMQ 3.2. :rtype: bool """ return self._events.is_set(events.CONNECTION_BLOCKED)
[docs] def channel(self, blocking_read=False): """Create a new channel If blocking_read is True, the cross-thread Queue.get use will use blocking operations that lower resource utilization and increase throughput. However, due to how Python's blocking Queue.get is implemented, KeyboardInterrupt is not raised when CTRL-C is pressed. :param bool blocking_read: Enable for higher throughput :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.AMQPException :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.RemoteClosedChannelException """ with self._channel_lock: channel_id = self._get_next_channel_id() channel_frames = queue.Queue() self._channels[channel_id] = \ channel.Channel(channel_id, self.capabilities, self._events, self._exceptions, channel_frames, self._write_queue, self._max_frame_size, self._io.write_trigger, self, blocking_read) self._add_channel_to_io(self._channels[channel_id], channel_frames) self._channels[channel_id].open() return self._channels[channel_id]
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection, including all open channels. :raises: rabbitpy.exceptions.ConnectionClosed """ if not raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed() if not self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_CLOSED): self._set_state(self.CLOSING) self._shutdown_connection() LOGGER.debug('Setting to closed') self._set_state(self.CLOSED)
@property def capabilities(self): """Return the RabbitMQ Server capabilities from the connection negotiation process. :rtype: dict """ return'capabilities', dict()) @property def server_properties(self): """Return the RabbitMQ Server properties from the connection negotiation process. :rtype: dict """ return def _add_channel_to_io(self, channel_id, channel_queue): """Add a channel and queue to the IO object. :param Queue.Queue channel_queue: Channel inbound msg queue :param rabbitpy.base.AMQPChannel: The channel to add """ LOGGER.debug('Adding channel %s to io', int(channel_id)) self._io.add_channel(channel_id, channel_queue) @property def _api_credentials(self): """Return the auth credentials as a tuple @rtype: tuple """ return self._args['username'], self._args['password'] @property def _channel0_closed(self): """Returns a boolean indicating if the base connection channel (0) is closed. :rtype: bool """ return and not \ self._events.is_set(events.CHANNEL0_CLOSED) def _close_all_channels(self): """Close all open channels""" for chan_id in [chan_id for chan_id in self._channels if not self._channels[chan_id].closed]: self._channels[chan_id].close() self._channel0.close() def _close_channels(self): """Close all the channels that are currently open.""" for channel_id in self._channels: if (self._channels[channel_id].open and not self._channels[channel_id].closing): self._channels[channel_id].close() def _connect(self): """Connect to the RabbitMQ Server""" self._set_state(self.OPENING) # Create and start the IO object that reads, writes & dispatches frames self._io = self._create_io_thread() self._io.daemon = True self._io.start() # Wait for IO to connect to the socket or raise an exception while self.opening and not self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_OPENED): if not self._exceptions.empty(): exception = self._exceptions.get() raise exception # :meth:`threading.html#threading.Event.wait` always returns None # in 2.6, so it is impossible to simply check wait() result self._events.wait(events.SOCKET_OPENED, self._args['timeout']) if not self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_OPENED): raise RuntimeError("Timeout waiting for opening the socket") # If the socket could not be opened, return instead of waiting if self.closed: return self.close() # Create the Channel0 queue and add it to the IO thread self._channel0 = self._create_channel0() self._add_channel_to_io(self._channel0, None) self._channel0.start() # Wait for Channel0 to raise an exception or negotiate the connection while not if not self._exceptions.empty(): exception = self._exceptions.get() self._io.stop() raise exception time.sleep(0.01) # Set the maximum frame size for channel use self._max_frame_size = self._channel0.maximum_frame_size # Create the heartbeat checker self._heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat(self._io, self._channel0, self._args['heartbeat']) self._heartbeat.start() self._set_state(self.OPEN) def _create_channel0(self): """Each connection should have a distinct channel0 :rtype: rabbitpy.channel0.Channel0 """ return channel0.Channel0(connection_args=self._args, events_obj=self._events, exception_queue=self._exceptions, write_queue=self._write_queue, write_trigger=self._io.write_trigger, connection=self) def _create_io_thread(self): """Create the IO thread and the objects it uses for communication. :rtype: """ return io.IO(name='%s-io' % self._name, kwargs={'events': self._events, 'exceptions': self._exceptions, 'connection_args': self._args, 'write_queue': self._write_queue}) def _create_message(self, channel_id, method_frame, header_frame, body): """Create a message instance with the channel it was received on and the dictionary of message parts. :param int channel_id: The channel id the message was sent on :param method_frame: The method frame value :type method_frame: pamqp.specification.Frame :param header_frame: The header frame value :type header_frame: pamqp.header.ContentHeader :param str body: The message body :rtype: rabbitpy.message.Message """ msg = message.Message(self._channels[channel_id], body, msg.method = method_frame = return msg def _get_next_channel_id(self): """Return the next channel id :rtype: int """ if not self._channels: return 1 if self._max_channel_id == self._channel0.maximum_channels: raise exceptions.TooManyChannelsError return self._max_channel_id + 1 @property def _max_channel_id(self): """Return the maximum channel ID that is currently being used. :rtype: int """ return max(list(self._channels.keys())) @staticmethod def _normalize_expectations(channel_id, expectations): """Turn a class or list of classes into a list of class names. :param int channel_id: The channel to normalize for :param expectations: List of classes or class name or class obj :type expectations: list or str or pamqp.specification.Frame :rtype: list """ if isinstance(expectations, list): output = list() for value in expectations: if isinstance(value, str): output.append('%i:%s' % (channel_id, value)) else: output.append('%i:%s' % (channel_id, return output elif utils.is_string(expectations): return ['%i:%s' % (channel_id, expectations)] return ['%i:%s' % (channel_id,] def _process_url(self, url): """Parse the AMQP URL passed in and return the configuration information in a dictionary of values. The URL format is as follows: amqp[s]://username:password@host:port/virtual_host[?query string] Values in the URL such as the virtual_host should be URL encoded or quoted just as a URL would be in a web browser. The default virtual host / in RabbitMQ should be passed as %2F. Default values: - If port is omitted, port 5762 is used for AMQP and port 5671 is used for AMQPS - If username or password is omitted, the default value is guest - If the virtual host is omitted, the default value of %2F is used Query string options: - heartbeat - channel_max - frame_max - locale - cacertfile - Path to CA certificate file - certfile - Path to client certificate file - keyfile - Path to client certificate key - verify - Server certificate validation requirements (1) - ssl_version - SSL version to use (2) (1) Should be one of three values: - ignore - Ignore the cert if provided (default) - optional - Cert is validated if provided - required - Cert is required and validated (2) Should be one of four values: - SSLv2 - SSLv3 - SSLv23 - TLSv1 :param str url: The AMQP url passed in :rtype: dict :raises: ValueError """ parsed = utils.urlparse(url) self._validate_uri_scheme(parsed.scheme) # Toggle the SSL flag based upon the URL scheme and if SSL is enabled use_ssl = True if parsed.scheme == 'amqps' and ssl else False # Ensure that SSL is available if SSL is requested if parsed.scheme == 'amqps' and not ssl: LOGGER.warning('SSL requested but not available, disabling') # Figure out the port as specified by the scheme scheme_port = self.PORTS[AMQPS] if parsed.scheme == AMQPS \ else self.PORTS[AMQP] # Set the vhost to be after the base slash if it was specified vhost = self.DEFAULT_VHOST if parsed.path: vhost = parsed.path[1:] or self.DEFAULT_VHOST # Parse the query string qargs = utils.parse_qs(parsed.query) # Return the configuration dictionary to use when connecting return { 'host': parsed.hostname, 'port': parsed.port or scheme_port, 'virtual_host': utils.unquote(vhost), 'username': urlparse.unquote(parsed.username or self.GUEST), 'password': urlparse.unquote(parsed.password or self.GUEST), 'timeout': self._qargs_int('timeout', qargs, self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT), 'heartbeat': self._qargs_int('heartbeat', qargs, self.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL), 'frame_max': self._qargs_int('frame_max', qargs, spec.FRAME_MAX_SIZE), 'channel_max': self._qargs_int('channel_max', qargs, self.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_MAX), 'locale': self._qargs_value('locale', qargs), 'ssl': use_ssl, 'cacertfile': self._qargs_mk_value(['cacertfile', 'ssl_cacert'], qargs), 'certfile': self._qargs_mk_value(['certfile', 'ssl_cert'], qargs), 'keyfile': self._qargs_mk_value(['keyfile', 'ssl_key'], qargs), 'verify': self._qargs_ssl_validation(qargs), 'ssl_version': self._qargs_ssl_version(qargs)} @staticmethod def _qargs_int(key, values, default): """Return the query arg value as an integer for the specified key or return the specified default value. :param str key: The key to return the value for :param dict values: The query value dict returned by urlparse :param int default: The default return value :rtype: int """ return int(values.get(key, [default])[0]) @staticmethod def _qargs_float(key, values, default): """Return the query arg value as a float for the specified key or return the specified default value. :param str key: The key to return the value for :param dict values: The query value dict returned by urlparse :param float default: The default return value :rtype: float """ return float(values.get(key, [default])[0]) def _qargs_ssl_validation(self, values): """Return the value mapped from the string value in the query string for the AMQP URL specifying which level of server certificate validation is required, if any. :param dict values: The dict of query values from the AMQP URI :rtype: int """ validation = self._qargs_mk_value(['verify', 'ssl_validation'], values) if not validation: return elif validation not in SSL_CERT_MAP: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported server cert validation option: %s', validation) return SSL_CERT_MAP[validation] def _qargs_ssl_version(self, values): """Return the value mapped from the string value in the query string for the AMQP URL for SSL version. :param dict values: The dict of query values from the AMQP URI :rtype: int """ version = self._qargs_value('ssl_version', values) if not version: return elif version not in SSL_VERSION_MAP: raise ValueError('Unuspported SSL version: %s' % version) return SSL_VERSION_MAP[version] @staticmethod def _qargs_value(key, values, default=None): """Return the value from the query arguments for the specified key or the default value. :param str key: The key to get the value for :param dict values: The query value dict returned by urlparse :return: mixed """ return values.get(key, [default])[0] def _qargs_mk_value(self, keys, values): """Try and find the query string value where the value can be specified with different keys. :param lists keys: The keys to check :param dict values: The query value dict returned by urlparse :return: mixed """ for key in keys: value = self._qargs_value(key, values) if value is not None: return value return None def _shutdown_connection(self): """Tell Channel0 and IO to stop if they are not stopped. """ # Make sure the heartbeat is not running self._heartbeat.stop() if not self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_CLOSED): self._close_all_channels() # Let the IOLoop know to close self._events.set(events.SOCKET_CLOSE) # Break out of select waiting self._trigger_write() if (self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_OPENED) and not self._events.is_set(events.SOCKET_CLOSED)): LOGGER.debug('Waiting on socket to close') self._events.wait(events.SOCKET_CLOSED, 0.1) self._io.stop() else: return self._io.stop() while self._io.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.1) def _trigger_write(self): """Notifies the IO loop we need to write a frame by writing a byte to a local socket. """ utils.trigger_write(self._io.write_trigger) def _validate_uri_scheme(self, scheme): """Insure that the specified URI scheme is supported by rabbitpy :param str scheme: The value to validate :raises: ValueError """ if scheme not in list(self.PORTS.keys()): raise ValueError('Unsupported URI scheme: %s' % scheme)