Source code for rabbitpy.simple

Wrapper methods for easy access to common operations, making them both less
complex and less verbose for one off or simple use cases.

from rabbitpy import amqp_queue
from rabbitpy import connection
from rabbitpy import exchange
from rabbitpy import message

[docs]def consume(uri=None, queue_name=None, no_ack=False, prefetch=None, priority=None): """Consume messages from the queue as a generator: .. code:: python for message in rabbitpy.consume('amqp://localhost/%2F', 'my_queue'): message.ack() :param str uri: AMQP connection URI :param str queue_name: The name of the queue to consume from :param bool no_ack: Do not require acknowledgements :param int prefetch: Set a prefetch count for the channel :param int priority: Set the consumer priority :rtype: :py:class:`Iterator` :raises: py:class:`ValueError` """ if not queue_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a queue name to consume from') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: queue = amqp_queue.Queue(channel, queue_name) for msg in queue.consume(no_ack, prefetch, priority): yield msg
[docs]def get(uri=None, queue_name=None): """Get a message from RabbitMQ, auto-acknowledging with RabbitMQ if one is returned. Invoke directly as ``rabbitpy.get()`` :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str queue_name: The queue name to get the message from :rtype: py:class:`rabbitpy.message.Message` or None :raises: py:class:`ValueError` """ if not queue_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a queue name to get a message from') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: q = amqp_queue.Queue(channel, queue_name) return q.get(False)
[docs]def publish(uri=None, exchange_name=None, routing_key=None, body=None, properties=None, confirm=False): """Publish a message to RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off publishing, as you will suffer a performance penalty if you use it repeatedly instead creating a connection and channel and publishing on that :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange to publish to :param str routing_key: The routing_key to publish with :param str or unicode or bytes or dict or list: The message body :param dict properties: Dict representation of Basic.Properties :param bool confirm: Confirm this delivery with Publisher Confirms :rtype: bool or None """ if exchange_name is None: exchange_name = '' with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: msg = message.Message(channel, body or '', properties or dict()) if confirm: channel.enable_publisher_confirms() return msg.publish(exchange_name, routing_key or '') else: msg.publish(exchange_name, routing_key or '')
[docs]def create_queue(uri=None, queue_name='', durable=True, auto_delete=False, max_length=None, message_ttl=None, expires=None, dead_letter_exchange=None, dead_letter_routing_key=None, arguments=None): """Create a queue with RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. If a queue name is omitted, the name will be automatically generated by RabbitMQ. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str queue_name: The queue name to create :param durable: Indicates if the queue should survive a RabbitMQ is restart :type durable: bool :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when all consumers disconnect :param int max_length: Maximum queue length :param int message_ttl: Time-to-live of a message in milliseconds :param expires: Milliseconds until a queue is removed after becoming idle :type expires: int :param dead_letter_exchange: Dead letter exchange for rejected messages :type dead_letter_exchange: str :param dead_letter_routing_key: Routing key for dead lettered messages :type dead_letter_routing_key: str :param dict arguments: Custom arguments for the queue :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ dlx_routing_key = dead_letter_routing_key with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = amqp_queue.Queue(channel, queue_name, durable=durable, auto_delete=auto_delete, max_length=max_length, message_ttl=message_ttl, expires=expires, dead_letter_exchange=dead_letter_exchange, dead_letter_routing_key=dlx_routing_key, arguments=arguments) obj.declare()
[docs]def delete_queue(uri=None, queue_name=None): """Delete a queue from RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str queue_name: The queue name to delete :rtype: bool :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not queue_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a queue name to consume from') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: queue = amqp_queue.Queue(channel, queue_name) queue.delete()
[docs]def create_direct_exchange(uri=None, exchange_name=None, durable=True): """Create a direct exchange with RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange name to create :param bool durable: Exchange should survive server restarts :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not exchange_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a exchange name to create') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = exchange.DirectExchange(channel, exchange_name, durable=durable) obj.declare()
[docs]def create_fanout_exchange(uri=None, exchange_name=None, durable=True): """Create a fanout exchange with RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange name to create :param bool durable: Exchange should survive server restarts :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not exchange_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a exchange name to create') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = exchange.FanoutExchange(channel, exchange_name, durable=durable) obj.declare()
[docs]def create_headers_exchange(uri=None, exchange_name=None, durable=True): """Create a headers exchange with RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange name to create :param bool durable: Exchange should survive server restarts :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not exchange_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a exchange name to create') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = exchange.HeadersExchange(channel, exchange_name, durable=durable) obj.declare()
[docs]def create_topic_exchange(uri=None, exchange_name=None, durable=True): """Create an exchange from RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange name to create :param bool durable: Exchange should survive server restarts :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not exchange_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a exchange name to create') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = exchange.TopicExchange(channel, exchange_name, durable=durable) obj.declare()
[docs]def delete_exchange(uri=None, exchange_name=None): """Delete an exchange from RabbitMQ. This should only be used for one-off operations. :param str uri: AMQP URI to connect to :param str exchange_name: The exchange name to delete :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` :raises: :py:class:`rabbitpy.RemoteClosedException` """ if not exchange_name: raise ValueError('You must specify a exchange name to delete') with connection.Connection(uri) as conn: with as channel: obj = exchange.Exchange(channel, exchange_name) obj.delete()